Asides JS

You can get a hold of the Aside component and control it with JavaScript.

ts.ui.get('#myaside', aside => { // you can pass an element instead of an ID;
	aside.title('Updated title');

Tracking with methods

You can overwrite the methods onopen, onopened, onclose and onclosed to do something whenever the aside changes state.

aside.onopen = function() {
	console.log('Aside will open');

If you return false in methods onopen and onclose, the aside will respect that.

Tracking with events

You can also monitor the asides with DOM event listeners.

function debug(e) {
document.addEventListener('ts-open', debug);
document.addEventListener('ts-opened', debug);
document.addEventListener('ts-close', debug);
document.addEventListener('ts-closed', debug);

The events "ts-open" and "ts-close" can be blocked with e.preventDefault() to prevent the aside from changing state.