Filtering the columns

The table doesn't really know anything about "filtering", but it does support a button which can be assigned an icon and an onclick method. Perhaps you can use this to create your own filtering UI in an Aside or something.

  • var table = ts.ui.get('#table1');
    var popup = ts.ui.Notification;
    		label: 'Hello',
    		type: 'ts-number',
    		button: {
    			icon: 'ts-icon-addfilter',
    			onclick: function() {
    				this.icon = 'ts-icon-delete';

You can change the icon and the onclick method as often as you like.

var table = ts.ui.get('#table1');
var popup = ts.ui.Notification;
var mycol = table.cols()[0];
mycol.button.icon = 'ts-icon-view';
mycol.button.onclick = function() {
	popup.success('Clicked again!');

When you implement filtering, you can either build the rows from scratch or update the visible property of the existing row — like in this example.

  • var table = ts.ui.get('#table2');
    var popup = ts.ui.Notification;
    var isodd = false;
    table.rows([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]).cols([
    		label: 'All numbers',
    		type: 'ts-number',
    		button: {
    			icon: 'ts-icon-addfilter',
    			info: 'Show odd rows',
    			onclick: function() {
    				isodd = !isodd;
    				this.icon = isodd ? 'ts-icon-delete' : 'ts-icon-addfilter'; = isodd ? 'Show all rows' : 'Show odd rows';
    				table.cols()[0].label = isodd ? 'Odd numbers' : 'All numbers';
    				table.rows().forEach(function(row, i) {
    					row.visible = isodd ? (i % 2 === 0) : true;

The button gets hidden by the search because it doesn't look right to have both. Let us know if that becomes a problem.