Copy in the Development Process

When it comes to producing good copy, embedding it into the development process is just as important as following the principles, guidelines and rules.

If writing copy is not taken seriously as a task and allocated adequate time, resources and interest, the end result will not be good. The following guidelines should help each product team to incorporate copywriting into the development process:

Copywriting is a skill, and should ideally be done by the most capable.
Writing copy is a skill in and of itself, and whilst it is related to a number of other skills, it is definitely a skill that requires practice, effort and knowledge. Knowledge of the English language is a necessary but not sufficient skill, and even skilled people will produce poor copy when rushed. What this means is that each team should allocate copywriting to whoever is the most capable. In some teams this might be the designer, in others it might be the PM, and in others it might be a developer. What is important is that this is a conscious decision, and not left to be picked up by a stressed PM on the day before release.
Good copy takes time, effort and iterations.
Again, no matter how amazing someone is at writing copy, a truly good result can only be achieved through iteration and effort. The first drafts for copy should be produced as early as possible in the development process, and these should be discussed and iterated on much like everything else.