Footer collabbutton
The Footer features a special button which is dedicated to launching the
collaboration panel. To show the button, simply call the method
with a callback.
ts.ui.Footer.collabbutton(function onclick() {
ts.ui.Notification.success('Go collaborate!');
Showing a notification badge
The collaboration button can have two states: a default state and a state showing a
notification badge. The default state shows just the special button. The notification
state shows the special button as well as a small notification badge over the icon. To
show the button with the notification state, add true
as a second argument to
the configbutton
ts.ui.Footer.collabbutton(function onclick() {
ts.ui.Notification.success('Go collaborate!');
}, true);
Note that the Footer doesn't automatically initialize or resume the collbaroration. The
API for this will be provided elsewhere. You can hide the collaboration button by passing
to the same method.
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