Error/Info example

Here you can see an example on how to use the error and info helpers for form fields using Angular 1 as an example framework.

Error: PO line item reference
Must be 4 numeric digits in length.
Must be present on the related PO document.
Definition: GLN
A GLN (Global Location Number) is a globally unique 13 digit numeric identifier that is used to access data about a location.
More information about the GLN System
Error: GLN
Must be 13 numeric digits in length.
Can only contain numbers.

Here's the source for the form above:

  • <form data-ts="Form" name="form">
    			<input placeholder="Description" />
    		<label ng-class="{'ts-error': form.poref.$invalid}">
    			<span>PO line item reference</span>
    			<input name="poref" ng-model="model.poref" pattern="[0-9]{1,4}" ng-required />
    		<dl class="ts-errors" ng-show="form.poref.$invalid">
    			<dt>Error: PO line item reference</dt>
    			<dd>Must be 4 numeric digits in length.</dd>
    			<dd>Must be present on the related PO document.</dd>
    		<label ng-class="{'ts-error': form.gln.$invalid}">
    			<span>GLN (Optional)</span>
    			<input name="gln" ng-model="model.gln" size="13" pattern="[0-9]{1,13}" />
    		<dl class="ts-info" ng-hide="form.gln.$invalid">
    			<dt>Definition: GLN</dt>
    				A GLN (Global Location Number) is a globally unique 13 digit numeric identifier
    				that is used to access data about a location.
    				<a href="">
    					More information about the GLN System
    		<dl class="ts-errors" ng-show="form.gln.$invalid">
    			<dt>Error: GLN</dt>
    			<dd>Must be 13 numeric digits in length.</dd>
    			<dd>Can only contain numbers.</dd>

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